American Ninja Warrior

Best TV of 2016

Completely Arbitrary 2016 TV Superlatives

“Peak TV” is not a myth. There’s a lot of damn fine shows to watch essentially all year round these days, which makes selecting these superlatives both easier and more difficult. I obviously can only watch so much, so there’s a hundred percent chance I’ve missed something or somethings. Thankfully the list below is completely …

Girl Meets World Reunion

Completely Arbitrary 2014 TV Superlatives

Let’s be real. “Best of…” lists are always subjective, I can’t possibly watch everything, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to make one. I still watched a hell of a lot of TV this year, so without further ado, here’s my list of 2014 TV superlatives:

TV Halloween Costumes

Easy TV Inspired Halloween Costumes

Need a Halloween costume? How about one that’s easy to make? Or even better yet, one that people will get? The way I see it, you’ve got two angles to approach a TV-themed Halloween costume. Either pick something so mainstream it’s impossible not to know what you are or pick something that looks cool without …